The Newark Bears, an Atlantic Independent League team, play at Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium. It is named after the Newark Bears, the former farm team of the New York Yankees, and the Newark Eagles, the championship-winning team from the old Negro Leagues. The stadium was built in 1999. The Bears played their first season games on the road in 1998. The Bears were playing the Lancaster Barnstormers who won the game with a score of 10-5. The box score was Barnstormers R-10, H-11, E-0 and Bears R-5, H-7, E-2. This was the first game of a double-header and played in seven innings. The field lines that are shown are RC-365' and CF-394'. It was cool at the 6:05 start. It was misting heavily right up to 5:30. The ushers had a busy time wiping down all the wet seats that the fans wanted to sit in. The crowd was light because of the weather and most went home after the first game like we did. Most fans enter through the gate on the end of the first base line near the parking garage. Notice that the top floor of the parking garage is 405' away from home plate. Ruppert is the mascot. The double higher netting was needed when both Ossie and Jose Canseco were on the team and hitting too many home runs onto Highway 21. The bullpens are behind the left field wall with a clear doorway through which the pitchers can see the field. One of the between inning activities is musical sombreros rather than musical chairs. At the end of the game they put out four hula hoops and if you can throw a tennis ball into one of the hoops you win the prize for that hoop. You can win 4 tickets to a future game, 30% off of purchases from the team store, $100 cash, or a suite for a game. Michael Luteran is shown picking up a ball that won $100. We would like to thank Michael, Ticket Sales Manager, for comp tickets, two t-shirts, tickets to a future game, and a league game used ball for Jim's collection. The last two pictures show Andrea sitting by herself while Jim was out taking pictures. The area seating host who looked out for us is shown behind her. Moved to Can -Am League in 2011, folded after 2013 season.
The Newark Museum - has more than 80 galleries that offer a wide array of sightseeing options. Fee.