The Marysville Drakes, a first-year team in the independent Pecos League, play at Bryant Field in Marysville, California. The stadium seats 4,000. The Drakes were playing the Bakersfield Trail Robbers losing 7 to 2. The box score was Train Robbers R-7, H-12, E-1 and Drakes R-2, H-11, E-2. The field lines not marked are RF-305', CF-410', LF-325'. Game temperature was 96 degrees. The game scheduled to start at 6:30 was delayed until 7:06. One delay was field preparation as they only have one groundkeeper. He is to be commended for doing a great job. But having only one person means the field is not dragged during the game. The field is grass. There are regular seats below the concourse and behind home plate above the concourse. The better seats are the lower ones. There are bleachers without backs down both baselines above the concourse. Tickets at $10 allow you to sit anywhere. So, find a shady location and sit there. The Bakersfield starting pitcher pitched seven innings and led off the top of the 8th as a batter, before being relieved in the bottom of the 8th. Pitchers bat in this league. Each batter is announced with their hometown throughout the game. There were two umpires, who dealt with a couple of disputed calls. One was if a runner had advanced and passed 2nd before returning to 1st to touch up before advancing. He had not passed 2nd, so everyone had to return to continue playing. Fans can keep foul balls at this park. Each inning is sponsored by a local business who receives information about the business from the game announcer. Kids Run the Bases in the middle of the 5th inning, going from 1st to 3rd. It is a mass start rather than the usual one kid at a time line start. There were 260 in attendance. Lengthy game again 3 hours and 19 minutes. Smoke is show from the huge Park fire north of Chico.